Upwas Modak – Sweet

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Recipe for Upwaas Modak (Sweet)

Bappa is very kind to his devotees. Even if you are fasting for Him, He will still allow you to feast on Modaks! Here is the recipe for Modaks when you are fasting – add an extra handful of dry fruits that will help you keep going while you fast!

You need

  • ½ cup Rajgira atta
  • ½ cup ‘Vari’ Rice powder (your local shopkeeper will know this if you don’t. It’s a popular variety of rice powder used in upwas cooking
  • ‘Sendha’ Salt for taste (again used specifically during fasting)
  • 1 cup grated Coconut
  • Sugar According to taste
  • Assorted dry fruits (extra handful) 😉
  • 2 tbsp Ghee
  • Ghee / Oil for deep frying

How to make it

Make a smooth paste of the Rajgira atta and Vari rice powder (in equal quantity) by adding water and salt to taste. Keep aside. In a pan, heat the ghee and slightly cook the grated coconut with sugar and assorted dry fruits.

Make cups of the atta, fill with the coconut mix and seal to form a modak. Deepfry until golden brown and serve warm.

About majhaganpatibappa

Star Majha is back with exciting programs on the eve of Ganesh Mahotsav. Check out our blog and Facebook page for more information today!
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1 Response to Upwas Modak – Sweet

  1. Pingback: Pot Puja – 21 Modak recipes | Bappa Majha

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